I still have my daily devotional reading, but I'm not sure I'm going to post it for now. I may just make periodic posts that sort of update what I've been up to. It was fun posting the Route 66 trip, but that is behind us, and it's time to move on.
The girls were delivered to our door by their father back mid-June, in time for our annual Middle School Camp. Our oldest one attended that camp while the youngest had G'ma Camp (which ended up lasting two weeks). During High School Camp, following Middle School Camp, our oldest worked in the craft barn helping with ceramics.
This is the third year I have done G'ma Camp for the youngest...who is still too young to attend regular camp (but next year she will be old enough). This year our theme was "Fruit of the Spirit". There are nine fruits (Gal 5:22-23), and we focused on one each day. We had a story about it, a DVD movie, a lesson activity book, and then we did some fun things to go along with each fruit.
A regular fruit was attached to each fruit of the Spirit...such as love was represented by strawberries...red. So each day we painted our nails a different color to go along with the color of the fruit for that day. By the end of the two weeks, we had colorful finger nails and toe nails...and when we were asked about it, or commented on how pretty it was...we then told them how we were learning about the fruit of the Spirit and how our character is being shaped into the character of Christ.
The girls planted several pots of flowers around the house and cottage.
We had our annual Family Festival and parade (celebrating July 4th), and the girls rode on the golf cart with Miss Wanda, pulling the new canoe paddles and life vests trailer, which Wanda and Evelyn had painted. The trailer was made by Wanda's husband, Dave. This couple are super volunteers here at ILNC. This is their fourth summer, and we have benefited greatly by their contribution of labor!!
Here's #2 on one of the activities at the Family Festival:
One of the hot days we went to the mall to just browse and eat at the food court and ride the carousel. Another day we had a Girls' Day out with Miss Wanda and went to Three Rivers to shop. The girls had their own money to spend, so they could choose how they wanted to spend it. We ate at Arby's.
The last week they were here was Family Camp, and there were activities geared toward each of their ages. The children sang for us one night in the tabernacle, and #2 did an excellent job with the words and the motions!! Her sister worked in the infant nursery each night...rocking babies or playing with toddlers. She had friends in there doing the same, so it was a good place for her.
It was hard to say goodbye, but I told them we had to be thankful for having had a whole month together. Hopefully we will see them again this fall. The last night they were here, we had our first real rainfall this summer, and it was a torrential downpour. The girls decided to go out and dance in the rain with Miss Norma. Even Dad joined in the fun!
My life is so full when they are around...I love it!! God is so good to me, He has blessed me with wonderful granddaughters!!
So...that's why I haven't blogged much this past month. Now we are busy getting ready for the rest of the camps this summer. This week is Chicago Central District Children's Camp, followed by Girls' Camp (MI District), and then a Free Will Baptist Camp and a football camp, plus a ladies soccer camp. Still a busy summer ahead. I like to be busy!!
Time to head to the snack bar!! There are privileges living on a campground!!