Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Night Update

Well, with Easter and Israel behind me, I guess it's time to get back into my weekly blog update, more for my benefit than anyone else's.  Looks like it's been over a month since I last posted a weekly update.  No need to recap the month, but we have had some spring weather, finally, though tonight it is down in the low 40's.  I actually put flowers out this week, and our dogwood is about to burst forth in blossoms.  Sure hope we don't get a frost tonight.

We have a couple of ROAM (RVers On A Mission) couples with us these days, renovating our snack's going to look so nice when they are done!  Don't know the last time it was updated, but not in the 7 years we have been here.  Another couple came back from Florida the first of May to spend their summer with us.  They work non-stop, it seems, and are willing and capable of doing anything we ask.  Another hay wagon is in the making, more bathroom painting, and renovation of our four efficiency "motel" is on their short list.  They also mow and keep the mowers running.  A terrific couple...God sent us a special gift when He sent them our way.  This is the third summer they have come our way.

This coming week is Work and Win...our annual senior citizens volunteer time.  They get free lodging and free meals in exchange for their volunteer efforts.  They more or less get the buildings ready for another summer season of camping.  The boats are out of the tabernacle, and the pews will be set out and cleaned down.  The dining hall will be spruced up, and many of the cabins and duplexes.

A couple of weeks ago we had 60 teenagers in on a weekend to help clean the grounds.  There is no way we could be ready for summer activities without all of these volunteers.  We are so grateful.  So this is the busy part...preparing for our guests and campers.  Sounds like we're going to have good camp numbers this year also.  Registrations are already pouring in for Middle School and High School Camp, as well as Boys and Girls camps.  Check out our web site for more information:

I don't believe I'll update my devotional thoughts from the past month, but perhaps I'll be back with that next Sunday for this week ahead.  I'm still working on my First Peter blog, but very slowly.  These are busy times at the office, getting ready for the summer crowds.  

I finished my Financial Peace University Class with Dave Ramsey.  Hope to carry on with some of the advice I learned in that class.  I continually find that God meets our needs as they arise.  He is so faithful.  I believe in paying the bills first, after tithing, and what we have left is our food and gas budget for the month.  Just when I wonder how we'll make it to the next month, God comes through some how.  This month He gave us an IRS refund, after we had paid in back the end of March.  We had made a mistake and ended up getting a check this past week for the difference.  Wow...just what we needed, when we needed it.  He ALWAYS comes through for us in His perfect timing!

I think that's it for tonight.  Time to go read myself to sleep.  We are going shopping in the morning for new counter top for the snack bar.  And another week is on the way!

How can these men be wise?  The only way to begin is by reverence for God.  For growth in wisdom comes from obeying his laws.  Praise his name forever!  (Psalm 111:10)

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