Monday, May 21, 2018

New Testament Survey - Chapter 2

Continuation from my notes:

The 13 epistles that Paul wrote which were included in the New Testament, were not put in chronological order.  Instead, they are in order by size...from the longest (Romans) to the shortest (Philemon).  Here's an overview of each of them:


Paul wrote this book to the church in Rome.  It contains theology and the theme is "The Just Shall Live by Faith".   It gives the doctrinal discussion of salvation and how it relates to the Jews.  Practical applications of Christianity are given, such as responsibilities to God, to the Body of Christ, to adversaries, to government, to weaker Christians, and to others.

I have often said that if our Bible was taken from us and we could only keep one book...the book of Romans has all we need to find salvation and live and grow as a Christian.  Very good book for use in a Bible Study or personal study.

I and II Corinthians

These letters were written in reply to an inquiry from the church in Corinth.  Some of the topics covered are marriage, spiritual gifts, love (The Love Chapter - Chapter 13 of I Corinthians), and resurrection.  II Corinthians gives a defense of Paul's ministry and apostleship, and instructions for giving.

The Prison Epistles - Ephesians, Colosians, Philippians, Philemon

After Paul's third missionary journey he went to Jerusalem.  He was arrested and beaten.  Since Paul was a Roman citizen, he had the right to receive a fair trial, so he was put in prison in Ceasarea for two years to await the trial.  During this time he wrote his Prison Epistles.

Ephesians - was written to mature Christians at the church in Ephesus to encourage their faith and growth.  Paul expounded on salvation was by God's grace, and the responsibility of Christian conduct.  

Colosians - sent to a church in Colossee that Paul did not establish, and containing much of the same material as the letter to the Ephesians.

Philippians - is the most personal of all of Paul's epistles to the churches.  They had supported Paul financially and were dear to his heart.  They were exhorted to live by the example of Jesus Christ and be steadfast in their faith, unified in love, and be humble, putting the needs of others before their own.

Philemon - was not a church, but a person, a businessman in Colossee.  Paul asked Philemon to receive his former servant Onesimus back without punishment.  The Christian principle of forgiveness was the purpose of this epistle.

Friday, May 18, 2018

New Testament Survey - Chapter 1

From my notes, second summer session 1989


Israel, the land of the New Testament, is a small country...about the size of the state of Vermont.  It's approximately 150 miles long and 45 miles wide.  Israel contains the lowest point on the earth, the Dead Sea, which sits 1,400' below sea level.  There are two seasons in this small country:  the wet season from November to April, and the dry season from May to October.  The Arabian Desert on the east influences the climate, which is subtropical and produces citrus fruits.

Overview of the New Testament

The New Testament is comprised of 27 books written to fill specific needs of the church at the time of their writing.  As more than 27 books were actually written, a process, called canonization, determined which books were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit and accurately represented the teachings and doings of Jesus Christ and the early church.

A.  The Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and the Acts of the Apostles were written as the disciples began to die off, and no one would be around to tell what Jesus had done and eye witnesses.  It was 25-30 years after the ascension of Jesus that the Gospels were written.  Mark was the first to be written, and John was the last.  The Gospels were both historical and "good news" books.

B.  The Epistles were letters written by Apostle Paul to churches to keep unity as the gospel message spread.  We get our church doctrine from these epistles.  The letters were written to correct false teachings and to encourage and build up the faith.

The Four Gospels

1 - Mark was the first gospel written, and also the shortest.  John Mark, a comrade of Apostle Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, was not a disciple.  Most of his knowledge came from Apostle Peter.  One third of his gospel focused on the passion and resurrection of Jesus.  Unique to Mark's gospel is fast action.  The word "immediately" occurs 42 times in his gospel.  Mark was written more for the Gentile audience.

 2 - Matthew was written by the disciple Matthew, also known as Levi.  He was a tax collector, and he wrote his gospel for the Jewish audience.  He wrote to defend the truth that Jesus was the Messiah by relating Jesus' life with the Old Testament prophecies.  The genealogy includes Abraham and David, describing how Jesus came from royal bloodline...Son of David (King).  Also the genealogy was from Joseph's perspective, through the male line (the father of Jesus.) Matthew used Jesus' reference to Old Testament scriptures being fulfilled.

3 - Luke was also a gospel written by a non-disciple.  Luke was a Gentile aristocrat and a physician.  He was also a companion of Apostle Paul, and the only Gentile writer in the New Testament.  He wrote to Theophilus, a Roman official, who wanted a chronological order of the life of Jesus.  Luke gives the most comprehensive coverage of Jesus' life.  His genealogy was from Mary's perspective, the female line (the mother of Jesus).  He emphasized prayer and the Holy Spirit in his writing. 

4 - John was the last gospel written, and the author was a disciple of Jesus Christ.  He was referred to as the beloved disciple.  He and his brother James were fishermen from Galilee.  John was actually a disciple of John the Baptist first.  As the disciple of Jesus, he was one of three of Jesus' inner circle (Peter, James, John).  John was the last disciple to die, and wrote five books total (the Gospel of John, 1,2,3 John, and Revelation).  He wrote to reach the Jews by referring to Jesus as the Messiah, and to reach the Gentiles by referring to Christ as the Son of God.  John was more theological than the other gospels and emphasized belief, which occurred 98 times in his gospel.


Acts was was by Luke as a sequel to his gospel, and was also written to Theophilus.  It was written with a historical purpose, giving the early church history for the first 30-35 years.  It tells us how the disciples of Jesus changed from fearful to bold and empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, which was the beginning of the early church.  Whereas the gospels were a record of what Jesus began to do and teach before the cross, Acts records what Jesus continued to do through His gift of the Holy Spirit after His ascension.

The conversion of Saul (Apostle Paul) and the missionary journeys of Paul and Barnabas are written in detail.  The letters, or epistles, that Paul wrote, which comprise 13 books of the New Testament, stem from those three missionary journeys.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Class Presentations

Love Comes Softly, Janette Oakes

This sounds like an interesting author to read when I'm looking for easy-reading, fantasy escape type reading.  I have trouble reading love stories at this time because of the longings within me.  It tends to make me focus on what's missing in my life instead of living grateful for the blessings in my life.

My choice of reading for now seems to be that which is beneficial to building the inner life, strengthening the character, preparing me for the ministry God has chosen me for.

The Valliant Papers, Calvin Miller

The powers behind the scenes - guardian angels.  Sounds like a very interesting book/author.  The angel is Valiant.

Phantasies, George McDonald

Fantasies of main character.  Main goal to get back to real life (search for God).  Deep reading, lots of poetry.

Patricia, Grace Livingston Hill

Christian romance series - easy reading.  She had such a spiritually rich background that the influence carried over in her writing.  I've read several of her books, and find her very enjoyable to read.

Two From Galilee, Marjorie Holms

Romantic love story about Mary & Joseph.  I have read this book several years ago, and would like to read it again.

The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne

Lady is adulterous - letter A to represent it
Has secret lover - minister
Symbolism in his writing

In His Steps, Charles Sheldon

This is an excellent book - leaves one changed in priorities and worldview.  I have read the book and seen the movie.

Pilgrim's Progress, Paul Bunyon

Major works of all times.   Story is of a man's search for eternal life (Christian).  Characters are allegories.  Names of characters portrayed their characters.  Christian is John Bunyon, and the characters re people he had met.  Written from prison.  This is a book I would like to read since it is a Christian Classic.  
(Professor's note:  You will love it!)

Utopia, Sir Thomas Moore

Lots of dialog.
Narrator (Moore, author) and sailor
Utopia - land of no existence, new world based on Christian values

War In Heaven, Charles ?

Struggle between good and evil

Swiss Family Robinson, ??

Family shipwrecked on island

Tilly,   ??

About abortion

Friday, May 11, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 10


I'm working at Cleveland Helpline today and I just finished preparing my book/author presentation for tomorrow's class.

Joyce Landorff Heatherly has suffered a lot in her life, mostly from rejection.  I sometimes wonder if those who write for the Lord are the ones who have to carry the heavier crosses, and have depended upon God more.  The lessons they learn are so valuable to us.

It is my hope to publish something some day in the form of inspiration reading.  But it may mean traveling through the deep valleys to "gather data".  I've been in two of them thus far, but God is so faithful to bring me through, deeper in love with Him.  

C.S. Lewis captured my attention, and I bought his book The Screwtape Letters, which I'm now reading.  There's so much truth in that book, it takes time to absorb what all is being said.  Lewis, I have respect for, but O'Connor and I exist in two different world.  (I recognize both of these authors are deceased, and we do live in different guess is three different worlds.  (Oops, too judgmental on my part.  For give me.)


Today I gave my oral presentation to the class.  I presented Joyce Landorff Heatherly, He Began with Eve

In all my searching for facts on this author, I really didn't come up with much.  Prior to class I stopped at Nelda George's office and Betty Baldree was there.  She noticed my book and mentioned she had net Joyce last summer when she stopped in to see the Lee campus.  (She had attended when it was Bob Jones University).  So Betty was able to share more details on Joyce's life.  I see that as God's personal touch, not as coincidence.  

God is so never knows how, when, or where He's going to act.  Unpredictable, but always faithful.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 9

What happens after the end of the novel?

Rayber was found dead by the woman at the Cherokee Lodge.  He had collapsed and died when he realized Bishop was drowned and Tarwater was going on to meet his fate.  He was left alone.  No son, no nephew, no God, no one to care.  There was no hope, just dullness...nothingness.  His spirit left him.

The woman at the lodge suspected foul play.  She had not trusted Tarwater from the moment she saw him, and had told him not to do the devil's work there.  When they dragged the lake and found Bishop's body, after discovering Rayber's body, she knew her worst fears had come true.  Tarwater had put his address down, Powderhead, Tennessee.  The police found Buford in the cornfield and forced the story from him of the strangeness of Tarwater and all he had done to his great uncle and his home and land.

Back in the city Tarwater was prophesying and was easy to pick out on the street because of his strange dress and speech.  There was no difficulty whatsoever in reducing his charge of double homicide to not guilty by reason of insanity.  He was then locked away in the state mental institution where the attendants had to keep him away from all forms of water so he could not baptize people.

(Professor's note:  Talk about realism!  This brings it down to the grass roots!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 8


We began discussing The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O'Connor.

Personally, I do not care for this book.  I have serious doubts about the author being a Christian.  I don't see how anyone who has a tender heart toward Jesus Christ can write a story that would take his name carelessly and portray such a slanted view of a fanatical religion.  It certainly wouldn't draw one to Christ, but rather support the stereo-type view of Christians being off-balance.  I'm very offended by the over all tune of the book.

Also, it refers to blacks in a cruel way, and if I were black, I would be angered at having to read this book in a Christian college.  I expect it in the world, but not at Lee.  I'm disappointed.  There are too many good books to have to examine borderline material. 

I have written this opinion after having read part 1 and 2.  I had to force myself to read on after the first chapter.  I rebel against absorbing this story.


I read part 3.  There had to be perverted sex because sex is realism, and since Flannery's characters were extremists, naturally there had to be a perversion.  It made me sick.  I told God I was sorry I read the story.  My conscience is till too seared by the realism in my own life.  

I hate that satan controls the mind set of the world.  It's a struggle for a Christian to remain pure and have pure thoughts with all that he must walk past in this world.  May God hasten His coming before we all grow numb to holiness of heart and lifestyle.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 7


We took our first test yesterday and I felt confident at having done well, so I treated myself to a shopping trip to Hamilton Place Mall yesterday afternoon.  Today I was ticked to see I had made an A- on the test.  (Thank you, Jesus!)

We discussed modern man's alienation and estrangement today.  I'll write my thoughts on his alienation and estrangement.

From Nature:  God has created a very beautiful world for man to enjoy.  He was commanded to care for it.  I believe man has become abusive toward nature, using her, stripping her, perhaps even raping her.  He has taken for his own greedy purposes and pleasure, and then dumps her (or makes her into a dump with his garbage).  He has left scars, and all nature cries out to her Creator for restoration to her original beauty.

From Man:  Man is basically a very selfish person.  He uses other people to satisfy his wants and desires, always watching out for number one.  Things like trust, companionship, sharing each other's burdens...these are almost gone.  Dependability...who can you depend on anymore?  Responsibility...unless there is self gain, who cares?  Every man likes to think he is king of his island, when truly he's just a weed on a desert, to be devoured by someone else for their own pleasure, and then spit out.

From Himself:  People can't handle the emotional pain it would cause to take a good look at one's self and do some honest soul searching.  So instead they cop out and compare themselves to others by pointing out the flaws of others, thus making themselves look good.  Pride is man's most prevalent, most destructive sin.  If he could ever chip away pride and see  himself as God sees him, then a real person could that could be developed in the image of Christ.  That's far too threatening, so man keeps hi guard up and marches through life as a tin soldier, unreal.

From God:  Pride again is the cause of this alienation and estrangement.  Man wants to think of himself as self-sufficient, in control of his own destiny, his own boss.  As long as man sits on his own throne God is limited, and ultimately man will be rejected by his Creator and left to his own chosen destiny.

The world is becoming rapidly self-destructive because of selfishness.  Every man, every nation is out for self.  "United we stand, divided we fall..."  Only the Kingdom of God will stand throughout eternity, and few there be that enter in.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 6


What is the world view behind Till We Have Faces?

In the story the whole plot seems to revolve around Orual seeking for truth from the gods.  The Fox searches for truth through reasoning.  Psyche simply believes in truth without question.  Hers is the simple childlike faith that pleases God.  So I feel the characters value truth, which is a Christian characteristic.

I believe it is a Christian world view novel because Orual knows there is a reason for everything, and seeks the truth behind the reasoning.  She looks for justice and fairness, and is distraught at the evil that prevails.

In Psyche she sees all that is pure and true and lovely even though she doesn't understand the divine love Psyche has.  That is because her own love is very selfish.  However, in her search for truth, she discovers her true self, and sets out to change her inner self to be beautiful.

God looks on our hearts, and that's where Orual had to be changed, thus resulting in outward beauty.  She finally knew the true God.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 5


Today we reviewed Till We Have Faces.  We discussed Orual's ugliness was a result of the ugly spirit she had inside her.  At the close of the book as she develops a kind spirit, she also turns physically beautiful.  

I think the same is true of us.  A beautiful girl can be spiteful and haughty and rude, and no one really cares to be around her.  But a person who has inner beauty and warmth has a drawing effect on others.  There is an attraction deeper than the skin.

Lewis wrote this book to portray how Christian people have a tendency to want others to fit their mold, as though they are God.  If you don't fit, you are rejected.  How well I know the feeling!  I have felt it in every church I have ever attended for any length of time.  Why do people think becoming a Christian makes them an instant judge.  Personally I don't think you can be both.  Christ never judged.  He offered the truth, to be accepted or rejected.  He did not come quoting dress codes and rules.

I am reminded of a point made in last night's sermon...we are accountable for every word we say.  We will stand before Christ one day, and this time He will be our Judge.  And every word, every deed will be examined.  The awesomeness of accountability!

I'm reading the book a second time, trying to pick up the finer points in preparation for Wednesday's test.  Why do I have such a hard time capturing what I read and hear?  Where are my powers of concentration and retention?  How will I ever make it through to a degree?  I depend upon God's help as I faithfully do my pat to attend class and study.

(Professor's note:  You seem to have a deep understanding of what you read!)

Friday, May 4, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 4


What is world view, and what is my world view?

World view is a set of beliefs that tell a person what to think and how to act in any situation in life.

My own world view is a Christian world view.  To me, being a Christian is to live as Christ would live.  He is my example.  In all relationships I strive for openness and honesty.  I respect the rights of others, but hold to my standards and convictions, which I feel God has instilled in me.  Above all, I love without conditions.  I believe my purpose for being here is to be an instrument of praise to Jesus and His agent of love, His servant, to others.

I try to view all situations through the eyes of Jesus and act accordingly.  I am accountable for my lifeblood.  That's serious.  I think each situation demands my best.  This is not to say I achieve that...but I am always conscious of my weaknesses and struggle to overcome them.  The struggle is between my flesh and my spirit.

I believe God is in ultimate control, and accept whatever happens as ordained by Him for my best.  This means I have to leave a lot of questions with Him over circumstances I do not understand.

I finished reading Till We Have Faces yesterday.  I found that I was intrigued with the story, and kept reading with a desire to learn what truth Orual learned.  I thought I would find the book difficult to read, but I was very interested in it.

Throughout the whole story I kept thinking that the end result would be that Orual would be like the ugly duckling who turned into a beautiful swan. I was looking for the physical transformation.  In reality there was a spiritual transformation instead.  I'm glad CS Lewis did that for it portrays that it truly is the heart that matters, not the face.  Man look on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.

It seems I could identify with Orual at times.  When she was so introspective and searching for truth, for example.  The arguments that transpired in her mind in trying to rationalize things sounded so typical of me.  No matter what I decide, I still have doubts and questions.  

I believe Orual was always sincere in her love for Psyche.  But love can become warped and possessive, and destroy the very object of our love.  The pain of realization of what we have done, when it's too late, is very difficult to bear.  One lives with the knowledge it was his own hands that squeezed life out of that dearest to one's heart.  The story of King Midas and his lust for gold is a good example of love getting out of control.  He wouldn't have traded his daughter for all the gold in the world, yet that lust of gold overtook him, and in his own touch he destroyed his ultimate love.

Orual liked the control she had over Psyche.  She would have given her life for Psyche because she loved him so deeply, but when she became obsessed with controlling Psyche, she destroyed his happiness, and created separation between them.

Love...pure giving without expecting anything in return.  It is letting go and allowing the other person to become all he can become without my control, knowing we are each unique and have different paths created just for us.  We grow as we share the different experiences we each have, not in becoming clones of one another.  A possessive kind of love says, "I'm insecure and I need you to survive.  You must nurture my needs."  That is not the obvious, but when one person tries to control another, that is the root of it.

Today in class we started reviewing Part 1 of the book Till We Have Faces.  Even though I have read the book, and did find it interesting, I don't have good recall of the finer details.  In preparation for the test next week, I am reading the book again.  I hope I can absorb more this time.

I have chosen Joyce Landorff as the Christian author to present to the class.  I am using her novel He Began with Eve.  I have checked out several of her other books to get a glimpse into her background and who she is.  Most of her books are non-fictional essays written out of sorrows, from her heart.  She shares the lessons she has learned and the insight she has been given from her sufferings.

He Began with Eve is the story of five women from the Bible, from a third person omniscience perspective.  It is so easy to identify with the main character and feel what she felt.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 3


Today we discussed some TV programs and had a short class.  Since I don't watch TV, I have nothing to add to these discussions.  I have a tendency to feel even more disgust with television when I become more aware of how much it possesses people, their time and their minds.  I am grateful God brought me to the point I can live without it, and has helped my children accept strict regulations regarding TV.  My husband, being an adult, has the freedom to make his own choices.  I believe television is a cause of lack of communication in families and marriages, and is therefore a detriment to the home.  I recognize I have strong feelings in this area, and television arouses my anger.


Why do bad things happen to good people?  

God is no respecter of persons.  It rains on the just as well as the unjust.  It was not God's desire that bad things happen to anyone.  However, satan messed up the plan of perfection when he enticed man into original sin.  The curses that came with that choice to disobey God will be with this earth until God creates a new heaven and a new earth, and destroys that which satan has marred.

So Christians, being human, will suffer along with mankind.  However, it isn't the circumstances that we should dwell on.  It is our attitude and reaction to the "bad things".  The advantage we have of being a Christian is that Christ is there to see us through whatever hurts us.  He gives us inner strength to go on.  And amazingly He always brings good out of each crisis if we allow Him to.  It isn't always readily seen, or instantaneous...but He does work all things to His good.

Who are we that God should favor us when even His own Son had to suffer far beyond any human suffering.  To dwell on "why it happened to me" is destructive.  It takes a bundle of faith and a willingness to place ourselves completely in God's hands and trust Him and His wisdom.  Our puny minds cannot grasp His ways.  But nothing pleases Him more than simple childlike faith that says, "That's OK.  My Daddy (Heavenly Father) will take care of me."

(Professor made comment, "Good Argument!")

Personal Note:  It has been a stretch since I last blogged due to us transitioning back to the north, with a side journey to Charlotte, NC for a few days.  I hope to start posting more regularly now that we are settled in again in Michigan.  I have written each paragraph in a different font, hope to decipher which is the easiest font to read.  Wish I could get some feedback from those who read this!