Thursday, May 3, 2018

Aspects of Christian Literature - Chapter 3


Today we discussed some TV programs and had a short class.  Since I don't watch TV, I have nothing to add to these discussions.  I have a tendency to feel even more disgust with television when I become more aware of how much it possesses people, their time and their minds.  I am grateful God brought me to the point I can live without it, and has helped my children accept strict regulations regarding TV.  My husband, being an adult, has the freedom to make his own choices.  I believe television is a cause of lack of communication in families and marriages, and is therefore a detriment to the home.  I recognize I have strong feelings in this area, and television arouses my anger.


Why do bad things happen to good people?  

God is no respecter of persons.  It rains on the just as well as the unjust.  It was not God's desire that bad things happen to anyone.  However, satan messed up the plan of perfection when he enticed man into original sin.  The curses that came with that choice to disobey God will be with this earth until God creates a new heaven and a new earth, and destroys that which satan has marred.

So Christians, being human, will suffer along with mankind.  However, it isn't the circumstances that we should dwell on.  It is our attitude and reaction to the "bad things".  The advantage we have of being a Christian is that Christ is there to see us through whatever hurts us.  He gives us inner strength to go on.  And amazingly He always brings good out of each crisis if we allow Him to.  It isn't always readily seen, or instantaneous...but He does work all things to His good.

Who are we that God should favor us when even His own Son had to suffer far beyond any human suffering.  To dwell on "why it happened to me" is destructive.  It takes a bundle of faith and a willingness to place ourselves completely in God's hands and trust Him and His wisdom.  Our puny minds cannot grasp His ways.  But nothing pleases Him more than simple childlike faith that says, "That's OK.  My Daddy (Heavenly Father) will take care of me."

(Professor made comment, "Good Argument!")

Personal Note:  It has been a stretch since I last blogged due to us transitioning back to the north, with a side journey to Charlotte, NC for a few days.  I hope to start posting more regularly now that we are settled in again in Michigan.  I have written each paragraph in a different font, hope to decipher which is the easiest font to read.  Wish I could get some feedback from those who read this!  

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